close your mind-tracks and leave fantastically

Welcome to my blog! After the year in Hanoi, Vietnam, as a VSO volunteer, I'm still depending on the assistance of my two faithful neurons for all there is to come. I might decide to keep you informed, you will decide to keep reading.

08 February 2006

the end of pimp my ride

Once upon a time, when myself and Amoure, my sistah, decided to leave sunny South Wales setting off for new adventures in a 10 year old Ford Fiesta, my colleagues and good friends from Newport gave us a great present. We had a Pimp My Ride session in Sarah's farm, and this is how my car looked by the end of it:
It was fantastic...driving down to Lecce, we were being encouraged by all the truck drivers, who became our best friends on the was the most popular car in our town - oh, those were the days. Now this is coming to an end. The car is getting and Italian license plate and.....TRAGEDYYYYYYY - the Congedo Rally Team writings are coming off.

I love you Pucca. I always have (well, except when I had to change the engine, battery, electrics,...but that's another story). Goodbye.


At 6:49 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sigh.. Niente piĆ¹ Congedo Car! Era unica! Un requiem per essa... (PS: Ma era proprio necessario togliere le scritte?)

Forte il tuo nuovo blog! Ti auguro tante e tante avventure da scrivere e raccontare!

Un bacio,

At 10:10 am, Blogger patty said...

mo' m'affaccio alla finestra e ti do' uno schiaffo...quando ci vediamo?
muac muac muac

At 2:49 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

E' vero, scusami tanto... Sono molto impegnato in questo periodo... Appena posso mi faccio vivo...
Un bacione,

At 3:38 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

tesoro mio, scherzavo. ci vediamo presto. tvtttb

At 4:52 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

che bello sto' post...mi hai fatto scattare di risi...
it was amazing!!!
i'll never forget it...shall we do it again??


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