close your mind-tracks and leave fantastically

Welcome to my blog! After the year in Hanoi, Vietnam, as a VSO volunteer, I'm still depending on the assistance of my two faithful neurons for all there is to come. I might decide to keep you informed, you will decide to keep reading.

15 February 2006

- une semaine

Hello again!
It's been a while since I last posted, so I thought I'd give you a little update of my incredibly busy life as it is nowadays... me think...oh yes, it was valentine's day yesterday,and as a token for my own self love, I bought myself a funky new digital camera.
This is one of my most significant artistic expressions:

which is me wearing a crash helmet. Maybe the picture will not give justice to the helmet, which is one of those with air-conditioning, coffee making facilities sort...needless to say that I burst out laughing when I saw it, as images of me riding a pedal bike in Hanoi with this thing over me head rolled in my mind, but then I was reassured that
a- it is to be worn only on motorbikes and on tuk-tuks
b- the other VSO volunteers wear one too, so the locals won't just laugh at me (pathetic reassurance, I know..)
So anyway, this is something else I'll pack as part of my 25kg allowance this week...I'll have to think hard (and believe me it is a struggle) of what 5 books, 5 dvds and 5(?) cds I'll bring, and how all these fundamental items will fit in the luggage allowance.
another question I have is, how will we (departing volunteers) recognise each other at Heathrow airport next Thursday?
the helmet under the arm could be one answer...
anyway, isn't it a nice picture? :o)


At 5:47 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

vai amoureeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
valentino rossi ti fa un baffo...

At 7:08 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yes, you crazy girl!
Good luck for the appointment in Heathrow airport and for the rest of the adventure you're looking for.
With love,

At 3:12 pm, Blogger Lucy said...

Good luck sticking to your weight allowance - I had no chance!! - as for the other vols at the airport... we kind of all just bumped into each other.
Have fun and i will enjoy reading your blog whilst you are away


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