close your mind-tracks and leave fantastically

Welcome to my blog! After the year in Hanoi, Vietnam, as a VSO volunteer, I'm still depending on the assistance of my two faithful neurons for all there is to come. I might decide to keep you informed, you will decide to keep reading.

25 May 2006

let's talk about sex

Let's be honest, everyone loves to talk about sex, and for as much as one culture may be more conservative than another one, the ways are infinite. And in Vietnam, like everywhere else, it's the favourite subject of conversation at all times.
I wrote before about the first three questions you get asked when you meet someone:

What's your name?
How old are you?
Are you married?

Of course, if they're talking to me, my negative response at the last question causes looks of bewilderment..."Why??" - and me, laughing "I'm too young!". And everyone in chorus: UAHHAHAHAHAHAHAH.
Sometimes it does stop there, but other times it doesn't, so I really really need to find another anwer.

Marriage and family are very important values in Vietnam, and an unmarried young woman in her late 20s early 30s must have something seriously wrong with her.

But let's get back to sex:
In work, however, my colleagues (all girls aged between 24 to 29) are mostly single and like it that way. But the Ban Trai (boyfriend) subject never fails to prop up when you least expect it (ie always). So, after the first few days when they were desperately trying to set me up with all sorts, whether Vietnamese or other - at one point I feared they were going to mention Jesus Christ - I decided to say that I have 3 boyfriends to start off with, that now have become 5 (alla Foggiana maniera, seeeee ne teng' 10...per chiarire). The reactions are fantastic, a real treat, not because they believe any of it, of course, even when I show my generosity and offer to lend them one...

I love this place!


At 11:51 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Maledetta te e le vietnamite!
Sembra il teatrino dell'assurdo: non conta qual è la realtà, contano i sentimenti!
Ed offrire a tempo determinato il proprio ragazzo (anche se del tutto ipotetico) è DAVVERO un gesto di generosità! E questo le vietnamite l'hanno capito! :-)



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