close your mind-tracks and leave fantastically

Welcome to my blog! After the year in Hanoi, Vietnam, as a VSO volunteer, I'm still depending on the assistance of my two faithful neurons for all there is to come. I might decide to keep you informed, you will decide to keep reading.

08 June 2006

how to save the world in ten minutes

I have to share this with you. I AM REALLY FRUSTRATED. I am frustrated because I came out here in Vietnam with a little mantra in my ear "VSO, Sharing skills, Changing Lives"....well, 3 months in my job, I can honestly say that the people who are doing voluntary work are my colleagues at Hoa Sua and certainly not me.

I am frustrated because I'm here to work in Communications and I can't speak the language. Therefore I do 4 hours a week of Vietnamese language lessons, and I still sit still when in the car with the school's driver without saying a word, for fear of not understanding.

I am frustrated because I suffer the heat, and I get all nervous when we get power cuts because that means that the fans won't work.

I am frustrated because when I first came here I thought that it would be very easy to fall into the expat type of life, nice cafe's and nice restaurants, and I thought how I really really really did not want to do that. Going to be enjoying a lovely drink in Half Man Half Noodle tonight, maybe after a nice beer in Le Pub.

People keep saying that it's far too early to judge your placement and the effect that your work has in an organisation, and amongst people. But so far, I can see myself only taking and I really don't know how to give.
I thought I'd be less spoilt.


At 12:34 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's not a question of being spoilt, I'd call it finding your feet! Chin up old bean (hmmm, must have been your talk of expat life, I've come over all toodle pip English), am sure you'll be able to see your contribution very soon.


At 4:32 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

patti patti patti non è che forse anche gino strada pensa a volte che quello che fa non è abbastanza?eppure aiuta tantissime persone e grazie a lui molte persone qui nel ricco occidente aprono gli occhi.Di certo non risolve le situazioni difficili di queipaesi...però...Così come grazie a te si è svegliata in me una certa curiosità per questa Hoa Sua della quale io non avrei mai saputo niente.Ed è solo un inizio....ti abbraccio fortissimo,la falè

At 1:26 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'd say that you first need to think about who is getting, who is giving, who is helping and who is being helped...
Why does a person support a charity... what benefit does a supporter of charities get and what benefit does a supported by a charitiy get.

With these answered.. you need not worry about what your role is, but live it.

At 8:21 pm, Blogger Lucy said...

Hey Patty,
From one Vol to another - I know how you feel... it is much tougher settling in than I ever imagined - fortunately I don't have the language problem, but geez do I know how you feel with the heat and powercuts, along with watercuts and no cafes or restaurants in a 3 hour radius!!! heres to things getting better soon and I'll have a local beer and rice and beans cheers for you
take care


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