close your mind-tracks and leave fantastically

Welcome to my blog! After the year in Hanoi, Vietnam, as a VSO volunteer, I'm still depending on the assistance of my two faithful neurons for all there is to come. I might decide to keep you informed, you will decide to keep reading.

17 April 2007

Go Turtleocity!

As Our Man rightly reminded me, I have a turtle fighting for her life right now, travelling from Costa Rica to the Galapagos. Obviously, and luckily, Turtleocity is not doing it by herself. There with another 10 friends...and guess where my turtle is??? Number 8.

Call for support, love and affection for Turtleocity. Check out her progress on Great Turtle Race and give her all the energy you can.

Check this out for live coverage.

I couldn't have asked for a better turtle, I'm soooo proud.


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