close your mind-tracks and leave fantastically

Welcome to my blog! After the year in Hanoi, Vietnam, as a VSO volunteer, I'm still depending on the assistance of my two faithful neurons for all there is to come. I might decide to keep you informed, you will decide to keep reading.

24 March 2006

Happy 1st month in Ha Noi!

Today we're celebrating our first month in Ha Noi, and as part of our language training we went to a park which is now called Union Park, but known to all as Lenin Park in order to practise our (very limited and extremely amusing) Vietnamese....basically we were to stop random people and find out stuff about them...I stopped these lovely three ladies, who were dead keen to let me know everything I wanted, trouble was, I couldn't understand a thing, so it was general laughter all the way, and when I got back to report on my findings, I just resolved in making up a story for each of them.

Co Thu (our teacher) was well impressed, and as a reward to our efforts, she took us to buy material to get some clothes made, and after that we went to have Bun Cha:

it was well exciting! we had it at one of these street eating places, there where only Vietnamese people go and squat or sit on the tiniest stools was something that I was desperate to do, so I was well vui! (oops sorry, can't help speaking the lingo!)

On a less happy note, we went to visit another VSO volunteer, who's not very well...but that's another story.

mmmh, back to food and drink, this is currently my addiction and it's called Pho Bo:

and this...

is it dinner time yet?
ooh, what a great way to end my posting...Franz Ferdinand. Life couldn't be better!


At 12:16 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

assaggeremo anche noi questa favolosa birra e il magnareeeee


At 11:09 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

fighe le foto....soprattutto le prime due dell'ultimo post... brava brava ammoure...fanne tante così anke qui in italia ho un "pezzettino" di patty ad hanoi
baci piero


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