close your mind-tracks and leave fantastically

Welcome to my blog! After the year in Hanoi, Vietnam, as a VSO volunteer, I'm still depending on the assistance of my two faithful neurons for all there is to come. I might decide to keep you informed, you will decide to keep reading.

29 May 2006

I'm so excited!

Well, considering that I've managed to bore everyone senseless on the subject during the past 2 days, I might as well do it with my blog audience.
Got really really excited about a piece of news that I got by just surfing the net, and ending up at the Italian Embassy in Hanoi website. In amongst the "events" the one that caught my attention was a ballet performance/show/...(however these things are called) performed by a group called "Balletto del Sud". Look into it closer and who is it sponsored by? Regione Puglia, Provincia di could I not get excited?!?! even if it's something that I've never really had a passion for, ballet, it's still cool to be on the other side of the world and find that a piece of home is coming to you.
There's that and there's also half of the realisation that dreams may come true, and whether it's destiny, coincidence or just pure suggestion of my part I don't know....What am I on about? a project, something that before I came to Vietnam I started working on, and then lost all hope for....
back to it, it's on 2nd June, at the Hanoi Opera House and it's free (apparently)!

We had our first party at the house this weekend, it was cool, loads of people came, so other source of excitment for me was being able to talk to loads of people I hadn't had the chance to chat to.

25 May 2006

let's talk about sex

Let's be honest, everyone loves to talk about sex, and for as much as one culture may be more conservative than another one, the ways are infinite. And in Vietnam, like everywhere else, it's the favourite subject of conversation at all times.
I wrote before about the first three questions you get asked when you meet someone:

What's your name?
How old are you?
Are you married?

Of course, if they're talking to me, my negative response at the last question causes looks of bewilderment..."Why??" - and me, laughing "I'm too young!". And everyone in chorus: UAHHAHAHAHAHAHAH.
Sometimes it does stop there, but other times it doesn't, so I really really need to find another anwer.

Marriage and family are very important values in Vietnam, and an unmarried young woman in her late 20s early 30s must have something seriously wrong with her.

But let's get back to sex:
In work, however, my colleagues (all girls aged between 24 to 29) are mostly single and like it that way. But the Ban Trai (boyfriend) subject never fails to prop up when you least expect it (ie always). So, after the first few days when they were desperately trying to set me up with all sorts, whether Vietnamese or other - at one point I feared they were going to mention Jesus Christ - I decided to say that I have 3 boyfriends to start off with, that now have become 5 (alla Foggiana maniera, seeeee ne teng' 10...per chiarire). The reactions are fantastic, a real treat, not because they believe any of it, of course, even when I show my generosity and offer to lend them one...

I love this place!

18 May 2006

soooo VIP dahhhhling...

17 May 2006

foggian dreams

Special Guests: Falenza la pizzaioula, Giuseppe dreadzman (dream 1)
Cate, Tonuzzo e gente sconosciuta ma nota (dream 2)

Non so cosa mi stia succedendo, ma da quando sono partita per Hanoi, Foggia is always in my drimsssssss....dalla citta' stessa (sogni che abbia la stessa movida hanoiana, ma con tocco di classe, all'angolo di via Telesforo, li' dove c'e' aaaa desparrrr), o di gente foggiana.

Ripetuti sogni di falenza la pizzaioula in compagnia di Giuseppe - l'altra notte mi mostravate la foto dei vostri cani: falenza con un labrador civilissimo, che faceva un tete a tete con il cane di Piccolo Aiutante di Babbo Natale! spettacolarissimo!

Sogno di ieri notte, aka Dream 2, i tre dell'apocalisse, e ciue' io, tonuzzo and cate andiamo ad un matrimonio a casa di un mio compagno delle medie che i miei neuroni avevano rimosso tanti anni fa, quando il livello di sviluppo celebrale era ancora in attivo, ossia Nicoula P.

questo post lo dedico alla citta' del mio cuore, Foggia, sperando che possa sognare d'altro....

Attenzioune Attenzioune, colgo l'occasione per nominare l'innominabile, parlare dell'impossibile, ma se vi trovate nei pressi di questo paradiso terrestre, DOVETE PER FORZA andare alla pizzeria C'est si bon in piazzetta, u si capisciut'? sarete accolti cosi'...

come resistere???

15 May 2006

alive and kicking...myself!

something will be written here soon.

not felt like writing for many reasons, or many excuses, ie it was too hot, too late, too early, I was too lazy, too buzy...but reality is, I stopped seeing the majeek for a little while, got distracted whilst a lot of it was happening.
my head's popping out of my arse slowly but surely and soon you'll be invited to the party with the two neurons.

till then, ciao ciao